Women’s counselling centre, help with domestic violence, homeless assistance for women – Gisbu

At the Gisbu you can get help regarding domestic violence:
– Counselling and support on all issues related to domestic violence.
– counselling by telephone/appointment by telephone
– Information about judicial possibilities in order to protect yourself from further violence
– Support in securing your livelihood
– Admission to the women’s shelter

Assistance in case of homelessness:
– Admission to the facility for homeless women

Ruf an oder komm vorbei.
ProviderGisbu mbH
AddressFrauenberatungsstelle, Dionysiusstraße 38, 27576 Bremerhaven

Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Emergency telephone: 24 hours

Phone+49 471 83001
Last checked: 27.11.2023

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