Sport and activities – Bremerhavener Sport Club Grünhöfe

At the BSC Grünhöfe there are various sport offers and activities for children, adults and seniors. These include:

* football
* gymnastics
* swimming
* running clubs (also in the Bürgerpark)
* Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
* rugby
* floorball
* health sports (cardiac sports, fitness, spinal gymnastics)
* athletics
* dancing
* trimming and walking
* sports for people with disabilities
* handcrafts
* magic theatre

Those who join the club are allowed to participate in all sports. In addition, trips for teenagers either close by or abroad are also offered.

It is also possible to book the clubhouse for private events.

More information can be found on the website of the provider.

Many buildings are completely closed at the moment. Therefore, many courses, leisure activities and other offers will not take place. Please check in advance by mail at

For more information, visit the provider's website:
ProviderBremerhavener Sport Club Grünhöfe e.V. (BSCG)
AddressBSC Grünhöfe, Marschbrookweg 147, 27574 Bremerhaven, Postanschrift: Postfach 100243, 27502 Bremerhaven).

Office hours:
Tuesday 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm (currently closed due to Corona)

Contact PersonVorstand:,
Phone+49 471 38547
Last checked: 13.12.2023

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