Educational system

In Germany, children at the age from 6 to 18 years have the right and the obligation to go to school. Going to school is free. As soon as you child is 6 years old, he or she has to go to school (“Schulpflicht” = compulsory education). This obligation ends after 12 years.

The school system consists of 4 consecutive elements. It starts with the “Kindertagesstätte” (Kita, daycare-centre) for children from 0 to 6 years of age followed by the “Grundschule” (primary school) for children vom 6 to 10 years. After that, you child can attend a secondary school. Which kind of secondary school depends on the learning achievement of you child. There are “Freie Schulen”, “Oberschulen”, “Gymnasien” and “Gesamtschulen”. A detailed explanation of these different types can be found under educational system.

18 months before the start of primary school (age 6 to 10), the German language skills of you child are tested. If your child’s does not speak German well enough and needs support, he or she can take part in the “vorschulischen Sprachförderung” (pre-school language training).


On our Refugee Map you’ll find primary and secundary schools (data by

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